relativity predicts differences in the elapsed absolute proper time along two
different paths between two given events. For example, consider an inertial
coordinate systems (x,t) and two objects, A and B. Object A moves inertially
from the point (0,0) to the point (0,1). Object B moves inertially from the
point (0,0) to the point (v/2, 1/2), and from there it moves inertially to
the point (0,1), as illustrated below. (We've chosen units so that c = 1.)

objects begin and end together, but their total elapsed proper times differ. The
elapsed proper time for object A is simply 1, whereas the elapsed proper time
for object B is .
sometimes wonder how the time of object A varies with respect to the time of
object B - and vice versa - throughout the interval. However, this question
implicitly assumes that the proper times of the two objects can be placed in
a definite one-to-one correspondence with each other, which is not the case. In
general, for any point in spacetime, the future consists of the region inside
the future light cone, and the past consists of the region inside the past
light cone. The region in between the future and past null cones can be
called the present instant of that point. Hence if B is spatially separate
from A, the present instant of any point on the path of B includes a range of
distinct points on the path of A, and vice versa. Letting tA and tB denote the
proper times of object A and B, the relationship between them is represented
by the shaded trapezoidal region in the figure below.

the two ordinates of this plot are invariant proper times related by the
intersections of light cones with the paths of the objects, this figure is invariant.
In particular, this implies that the area enclosed in the "common
present" region is invariant, and of course this applies to arbitrary
pairs of worldlines in four-dimensional spacetime intersecting at two events.
This invariant area has units of sec2. In the simple case shown
above, the width of the horizontal median line is v, so the enclosed area is

maximum area occurs with v = ±1/√2, which is ±0.707... If v is either
increased or decreased from this value, the enclosed area is reduced. The
maximum area is 1/4.
same quantity can be computed for any two doubly-intersecting timelike curves
in spacetime, including the curved spacetime of general relativity. If we
regard multiple intersections between entities as the only observable events,
it's arguable that this quantity is a viable general measure of the
observable relations of spacetime. It's interesting to consider the maximum
possible area associated with any two doubly-intersecting plane curves. If
the curve A is inertial from t = 0 to t = 1 with respect to its rest frame
coordinates, then the invariant area contribution of each incremental
interval along the curve B is

curve B intersects curve A at t = 0 and t = 1, then the total invariant area
of this loop is the integral

maximize this invariant area (or actually to find the path that makes this
area stationary), we can apply the calculus of variations. Letting F(t,x,v)
denote the integrand in the above expression, Euler's formula gives

these differentiations, we have

a = d2x/dt2. Multiplying through by the denominator of
the right hand side, and simplifying, we arrive at

we use xj to denote the jth derivative of x with respect to t,
this can be written as

again with respect to time gives

this is a special case of the well-known "separation equation" that
describes so many naturally occurring one-dimensional spatial separations
(including inertial and gravitational). If we stipulate that x(0) = x(1) = 0,
and that v ≤ 1, then we have the simple solution

the invariant area between the two intersections is

this relationship between distance and time can be continued to further
intersections, so we have the interwoven world-lines shown below.

corresponding plot of proper time relations is shown below.

that the proper time of path B is asymptotically one half of the proper time
of path A. (Is there an analogy between this fraction and the relativistic
spin 1/2 of particles such as electrons?)
optimum solution can be compared with other forms. For example, suppose we
consider hyperbolic paths of constant proper acceleration. The general form
of such a path, passing through x = 0 at t = 0 and t = 1, is

some fixed parameter k. Solving this for x gives

this into the invariant area formula and integrating gives

find the maximum area we differentiate this with respect to k and set the
result to zero, giving the condition

the solution is k = 0.54195612..., corresponding to an invariant area of
0.3098168..., slightly less than the absolute maximum of 1/π =
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