Inverse Square Weighted Interpolation |
Suppose we wish to interpolate a surface through a set of non-uniformly distributed control points z = z(x, y). Of course, there are infinitely many surfaces passing through any finite set of control points, so the result is not uniquely determined unless we specify some additional information, which serves as a criterion for "goodness of fit", constraining the overall shape of the surface. |
One common technique is multiple linear regression. This requires us to specify the "form" of the surface. For example, we could specify |
and then use linear regression to determine the coefficients A,B,..,G such that the sum of squares of the z errors at the control points is minimized. To ensure that this surface actually passes through each of the N control points, we would need to choose a "form" with N terms. For example, the above form will fit any seven control points exactly. |
Another interesting method, and one that automatically passes through each control point, is the "inverse square weighting" method. Given the values of f(xi,yi) for N points (x1,y1), (x2,y2), ... (xN,yN), the interpolated function for every other point (x,y) is |
where Ri2 = (x−xi)2 + (y−yi)2. This can obviously be extended to any number of dimensions. For points (x,y) far from any of the control points, the value of f approaches the average of the f values for the control points. |
To illustrate, suppose we are given two control points f(0,0) = 1 and f(1,0) = −1. The surface generated by these two points is shown below. |
For another example, suppose we are given the four points |
The surface generated by these four points is shown below. |
Another possible application of this kind of interpolation involves computing a suitable “average” of multiple signals, each of which could be subject to undetected errors. If we have just two sources, x and y, then clearly there is no basis for inferring that the true mean of the population from which those values were drawn is anything other than (x+y)/2, but suppose we have three values, x, y, and z. In this case we might take the weighted average of the three pairwise averages, with an inverse-square weighting based on the difference between the elements of the respective pair. Thus we could form the value |
We can clear the fractions in the numerator and denominator by multiplying through by the product of the square differences. If we let a,b,c denote (x−y), (y−z), (z−x) respectively, the product for the denominator can be inferred from Heron’s identity |
Since a+b+c = 0, the right side vanishes, so the left side gives us a useful expression for the denominator after clearing the fractions. To evaluate the numerator of f(x,y,z) after multiplying by the product of squared differences, note that if we add μ to each of the variables x,y,z we would just increase f by μ, so it suffices to evaluate the case with x+y+z = 0. (We confirm later that this covers all cases.) With this condition we have |
so we have |
With this we can write the numerator multiplied by the squared differences in terms of a,b,c, and then note the interesting identity |
Again, since a+b+c = 0, we can equate the two terms on the left side. Consequently, after clearing fractions, we have |
(As an aside, we note the remarkable fact that if we replace the squares with fourth powers in this expression, the resulting function is identical; this equivalence does not hold for any other pair of exponents; also the inverse-square function is not equal to the inverse-fourth-power function.) Again, adding any constant μ to each of the variables simply increases f by μ, so this confirms that the equality with the previous expression applies to f(x+μ,y+μ,z+μ) for any μ. This can also be written in the form |
in terms of the symmetric functions σ1 = x+y+z, σ2 = xy+yz+zx, and σ3 = xyz. To visualize the result, consider the case with y = −1 and z = 1 shown in the plot below. |
Thus when x is relatively far from the other two, the function approaches the average of the other two. As x passes between those two, the function essentially selects x. This is a well-behaved function, but a practical difficulty arises in the case near the condition x = y = z, which is the only case in which the denominator (i.e., the sum of squares of the differences) vanishes. If just two of the variables, say, y and z, we have f(x,y,y) = y(x−y)2/(x−y)2, so the singularity at x=y is removable, but this nevertheless presents numerical precision issues for practical computations. |
To eliminate the possibility of the denominator vanishing, we could add a small cutoff term ε2 to each squared difference in the inverse-square formulation as follows |
The constant ε has the same units as the variables. Clearing the fractions again, this is equivalent to |
In terms of the symmetric functions of the variables this can be written as |
A non-zero value of ε serves to block the numerical singularity in each inverse-square term if the difference between the variables is zero. Recall that the f function gives f(x,y,y) = y, meaning that if any two of the variables are exactly equal to each other, the function gives infinite weight to those values and disregards the third. In contrast, with non-zero ε we have |
so the third value is not completely disregarded when two of the values are equal to each other. |
A slightly different approach, that can be found in the literature, is to make use of the absolute value function, and define the selection formula as |
Expanding the squares, we see this is identical to the previous formula, except that it includes cross-products such as 2|x−y|√ε in the weight factors. A comparison of these functions with ε = 1 (along with the original function f0) is shown below. |
Oddly, this latter formula is often presented in the literature with ε√2 replaced with the seemingly dimensionless 1. For example, if x,y,z are three temperatures in units of degrees Celsius, then ε√2 would tacitly corresponds to 1 degree Celsius, whereas if the units of x,y,z were changes to Fahrenheit the implicit value of ε√2 would be 1 degree Fahrenheit, yielding different results. Also the slope of h(x,y,z) has discontinuous slope due to its use of the absolute value function. |
Returning to the basic inverse-square formula, it can immediately be extended to N variables x1, x2, x3, …, xN by considering each of the N(N−1)/2 pairs as follows |
where “j,k≠i” signifies that the product is taken over every pair of distinct j,k not equal to i. We can also apply an epsilon cutoff in the inverse square formulation to give |
For N > 3 this doesn’t give a simple alternate form. To account for validities, each variable xi could be assigned a validity qi equal to either 1 (valid) or 0 (invalid), and each of the pairwise terms in the summations would be multiplied by qiqj. |
This method is conceptually related to the so-called inverse-variance interpolation method applied to the pair-wise averages of the signals, noting that the mean of each pair is (xi + xj)/2 and the variance is (1/2)(xi – xj)2. Of course, our pairwise averages are not independent, since the same individual signals appear in more than one pair. Also, the ε cutoff provides enhances numerical stability. |
For the general case with N inputs, setting all but one equal to y, we have |
This shows the idealized behavior if N-1 of the inputs all agree exactly with each other (equalling y), and one input has a different value (x). This gives |
Thus the slope at x = 0 is 1/(Nε2), and the function reaches a maximum at x = ε√[N/(N-2)], where it has the value |
A discussion of related functions, with exponents greater than 2, see the article on trivariate functions. |