Ascending and Descending Digits |
He looked so immaculately frightful |
As he bummed a cigarette, |
Then he went off sniffing drainpipes |
And reciting the alphabet. |
Bob Dylan |
The decimal number 987654321 is very close to being 8 times the integer 123456789. In fact, we have the exact ratio |
The prime factorization of the denominator is (2)(5)(37)(333667). A similar relation holds for any other base. In general, letting B denote the base, we have the algebraic identity |
To prove this, we first split the summation in the denominator into two parts as follows |
Re-arranging terms, this can be written as |
The summation on the right side of (1) is just the finite geometric series, which has the closed-form expression |
A closed-form expression for the summation on the left side of (1) can be found by differentiating the finite geometric series, giving the identity |
Substituting for the summations in (1) and multiplying through by (B−1), we get |
Equality is confirmed by expanding both sides and cancelling terms. |
This type of relation is not limited to complete sequences of digits. We also have identities involving numbers with truncated strings of digits, such as |
and so on. Written explicitly for arbitrary base B and letting k denote the number of digits in each number, these relations have the form |
Naturally if we set k = B−1 and shift the index of summation we recover the previous relation. Splitting the summations, this more general relation can be written as |
Re-arranging terms, this becomes |
The summations have the closed form expressions |
Making these substitutions and multiplying through by (B−1), we get |
Expanding the products and cancelling terms, this confirms the equality. |