Reflections on Relativity
Second Edition now available at Amazon and Lulu
1. First Principles
1.1 From Experience to Spacetime
1.6 A More Practical Arrangement
1.7 Staircase Wit
1.8 More Symmetry
1.9 Null Coordinates
2. A Complex of Phenomena
2.2 Force Laws and Maxwell's Equations
2.4 Doppler Shift for Sound and Light
2.6 Mobius Transformations of the Night Sky
2.8 Refraction Between Moving Media
2.10 The Starry Messenger
2.11 Thomas Precession
3. Several Valuable Suggestions
3.2 Natural and Violent Motions
3.3 De Mora Luminis
3.4 Stationary Paths
3.5 A Quintessence of So Subtle a Nature
3.7 Zeno and the Paradox of Motion
3.9 Constructing the Principles
4. Weighty Arguments
4.2 Inertial and Gravitational Separations
4.4 Force, Curvature, and Uncertainty
4.8 The Breakdown of Simultaneity
5. Extending the Principle
5.1 Vis Inertiae
5.2 Tensors, Contravariant and Covariant
5.3 Curvature, Intrinsic and Extrinsic
5.5 Schwarzschild Metric from Kepler's 3rd Law
6. Ist Das Wirklich So?
6.3 Bending Light
6.4 Radial Paths in a Spherically Symmetrical Field
6.6 Ideal Clocks in Arbitrary Motion
6.7 Acceleration in Schwarzschild Coordinates
6.8 Moving Sources and Gravitational Waves
7. Cosmology
7.2 The Formation and Growth of Black Holes
7.3 Falling Into and Hovering Near A Black Hole
7.5 Packing Universes In Spacetime
7.8 Global Interpretations of Local Experience
8. The Secret Confidence of Nature
8.1 Kepler, Napier, and the Third Law
8.2 Newton's Cosmological Queries
8.5 Scholium
8.7 Strange Meeting
8.10 Conquering the Perihelion
8.11 Paths Not Taken
9. The Relativistic Topology
9.5 Entangled Events
9.6 Von Neumann's Postulate and Bell's Freedom
9.8 Quaedam Tertia Natura Abscondita
9.9 Locality and Temporal Asymmetry
9.10 Spacetime Mediation of Quantum Interactions
1. Vector Products
2. Total Derivatives
3. Differential Operators
4. Tensor Differentiation
5. Variational Principle for the Gravitational Field
6. Geodesic Redundancy
7. Independent Components of the Curvature Tensor